Valentine Scents
Valentine Scents
Valentine Scents- what makes a scent a Valentine scent?
We think it’s something flowery and sweet- or a little bit of both. For some, it’s Tea Rose Garden, Lavender. For others, it might be an herbal blend, like your favorite herbal with a twist of ozone- Lavender Rain. Or perhaps, a fruity, berry fragrance with some ozone, like Raspberry Rain.
Lavender Sage or Lavender Rain combine some really soothing fragrance elements. Then there’s Fresh Linen. A little fresh linen can certainly allude to romance. wink wink.
Scroll through our Reed Diffuser Oil choices and see what strikes your fancy as a Valentine scent, then assemble a Valentine goody with the red, pink and purple bottles that we recommended last week.
There are many choices which will surely strike the mood for Valentine romance.